It would appear that the newest craze for adrenaline junkies has hit Lancashire and involves as little as a kite and a hill, confused?? So was I when I first heard about it but as time passed it has now dawned on me that Speed Flying is indeed catching on.
I first head about it from my friend Dave, who I used to believe had sucidal tendancies, as he was always picking strange life threatening sports to keep himself entertained :) However the more I have heard and the more videos I have watched I have (surprisingly) become quite intrigued with Speed Flying.
When searching for an actual defination of Speed Flying I came across this website, and it says, "Speed-Flying is an extreme sport that involves a combination of paragliding and skiing skills. It is a relatively new sport that is growing rapidly and gaining lots of attention"
The quote I have pulled is describing the winter side of the sport, the summer side (which is also known as Ground Launching) is pretty much gliding of hills/mountainous areas, keeping fairly close to the ground until it is time to land.
When watching the videos it does give you a false sense of what is going on as it looks as though the person is slowly gliding over land, however in reality is it much faster and the above website does highlight some of the dangers and (most importantly) if you wish to take up this sport you should definately get in touch with a professional :)
So here is a video of my m8 Dave doing it :)
Check it out (as he has informed me) he is the one in the white Nike trainers :)
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