Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Omg i am extremely disappointed in myself as i have just realised that it has been almost a year since I have last blogged! im not going to lie (as you can obviously tell) i am not a fan of this but i am now definalty going to make myself get used to this as the modern world is content on changing and developing, i must do so with it. So im just going to explain that I have not been sat on my arse doing nothing for a year, since i graduated uni in May last year i have been working full time to pay of my £1600 overdraft and (finally) last week i managed it :) so despite the fact that I am workin as a full time barmaid, with hours that make you want to cry, I have still been writting.
Im not going to lie when i finihsed univeristy I was that drained and that knakered that it took a while for me to feel confident enough to start acting like a journalist again, but it just took a few months to put my life back in order and I was back doing what I love best.
I have currently been writting articles for my local newspaper (volunteering) and it feels great, theres no pressure from your lectureres, no competition from your fellow class mates and no having to rush around uni like a healess chicken trying to remember what class you have next (as you maybe able to tell uni was not the highlight of my young life) lol. The newspaper is the called The Visitor and it covers all the news and local events in Lancaster and Morecambe, so I thought I would blog my recent articles (just to prove to anyone who cares) that I have indeed still been writting :)

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