Monday, 14 May 2012

The Vegan Fair

For all people interested in making a positive difference to the world showing up at the Friends Meeting House in Lancaster on May 12 is a must. From 11am-5pm West Lancashire Vegan Fair will be holding the biggest vegan event in Lancashire.
Designed not only for vegans and vegetarians their aim is to educate as many people as possible about the vegan lifestyle, showing the real reasons why this way of life is adopted and how easy it is to follow.
For many people being a vegan just means that they don’t eat meat or any products that are produced from animals. However it is a far more complex theory than that. By becoming a vegan you are adopting a much healthier lifestyle and are protesting against the cruelty that animals are subjected to when they are being farmed for their produce. 
Most people feel that by purchasing free range they are making sure that they are only buying products from well looked after birds. Unfortunately most people don’t realise that free range just means that the birds were given an opportunity to go outside, there are no other requirements needed. Sadly, this means that thousands of birds are still caged up in a shed with only one small door that leads to a tiny outside area. The conditions they are subjected to are dreadful. Many of them die from asphyxiation and obtain injuries that aren’t treat, such as broken legs. To learn more about this feel free to visit 
It is also not just about standing up against animal cruelty any more it is about investing in our future and our children’s future. With population figures rising the UN are now urging people to adopt a vegan lifestyle as it will help tackle climate change, world hunger and fuel poverty. This has been based upon the prediction that our population will be at a massive 9.1 billion by 2050 and “western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable.” This is according to the report from the United Nations Environment Programme’s international panel of sustainable resource management. 
There will also be a great range of speakers at the fair which will include Dominic Berry, Manchester’s award winning vegan poet, Sea Shepherd, the international organisation who campaign against the killing of dolphins, seals, whales and sharks, Dean Bracher, who helps teach the vegan lifestyle and Brett Lund who helps run Beautiful Planet, Preston’s vegetarian/vegan cafe. She will be explaining how the cafe gets grants and how they promote veganism by handing out free recipe booklets and vegan food. 
The vegan food fair will not only be educational but a fantastic day out because there will be more than 50 stalls spread around two floors, free vegan food, vegan cookery demos, films, free recipe booklets, a vegan cafe and a children’s area. So even if you haven’t adopted the vegan lifestyle but have an interest in learning about it pop down and see for yourself what it has to offer. Lets help make the world a better place. 

This piece featured in atLancaster magazine, feel free to check it out and to also get some great ideas for vegan meals :)